The Malmesbury Cease Crop Farming Sale will take place on Friday, 14 April 2023 from 11:00 on the farm Rheeboksfontein, Malmesbury.
Route: Drive from Malmesbury on the N7 in the direction of Moorreesburg for 16km. Turn left on the Hopefield turnoff and drive towards the stop, turn right under the bridge. Follow the BKB Signposts.
On Offer:
Tractors, Harvesters and trucks:
- John Deere 7830 tractors (2012, 2830 hours, “auto steering”)
- John Deere 7215 tractors (2012, 2550 hours, “auto steering”)
- New Holland TM 7030 tractors (2010, 3355 hours)
- John Deere 6420 tractors (2002, 4×4)
- John Deere 9570 STS Harvester (2012, 1200 hours, with “flex” table and Table wagon, “green star ready”, 1175 engine hours, 929 drum hours)
- John Deere 1450 Harvester (2004, 2064 Engine hours, 1464 drum hours with table and Table wagon)
- Bell 315 SG Front end loader (2006, 4×4, 6803 hours)
- Wright 140 Y Road grader(hours and model unknown)
- Yanmar tractors
- Dekster
- Vaaljapie tractors
- Massey Ferguson (2L Toyota engine)
- Ford Cargo 1012 Truck (1986, 8 ton, with Cattle Railings)
- Forklift (3 point),
- Quantum (18m, 8 Raven section control, “auto steering”)
- Skaarland Debulking Trailer (12 ton)
- Tipper (5 ton)
- Firefighting Trailer (500L)
- Semi trailer Dolly
- Equipment Trailer
Fodder Making Equipment and Planters:
- Drotsky Hammermill
- Landrollers (3x2m)
- Agri Shacom toring (3 point)
- Impala Lawnmower (3 point)
- Agri S Baler (870)
- Slasher
- Conditioner
- Vicon RS-M Spreader (1.5 ton)
- John Deere 450 planter (2.5m)
- John Deere 1590 planter (2019, 6m, +- 1000ha planted
- Piket planter (1.8m)
- “Swaelpomp”
- Omab Cone spreader (3 punt)
- Celmak Rotary mower
- Bredell Fertilizer Spreader (3 ton)
- Jacton Sprayer (18m, 2000L tenk)
Disc, Share- & Tine equipment:
- Lemken Ruben Dis (5.5m)
- Lemkem Karate 9 (3.5m)
- Lemken Karate9 (3m)
- Sleepripper (3 toon)
- Sleepripper (1 toon)
- Ripper (3 punt, 5 toon)
- John Shearer ghrop (13 tooth)
- Wingerd ghrop
- Wingerd sleepdis
- Wingerd dis (3 point)
- Northmec dis
- Scraper (3 point)
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Jan Erasmus (BKB South Manager) 082 924 6069
Wilhelm van Niekerk (Marketer) 083 284 7100
Appie Maritz (Auctioneer) 082 825 3895