25 August 2023
25 August 2023
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Piet Wessels
Jan Mostert
BKB, Kroonstad
The cease farming auction of Neels de Villiers will take place on Friday the 25th of August 2023 from 11:00 on the farm Hayfield in Ventersburg.
On offer:
768 Bonsmara/Simbra type cattle, consisting of:
- 180 Cows with 180 calves.
- 68 Cows (in calf).
- 150 Heifers (possibly in calf).
- 112 Cows/heifers (possibly in calf).
- 32 Cows (ready for bull).
- 5 Heifers (ready for bull).
- 36 Calves.
- 5 Bulls.
* Note: Gestation status and catalogue information will be available day of auction.
109 Merino type sheep, consisting of:
- 63 Ewes (in lamb; 4 tooth – full mouth).
- 29 Ewes (ready for ram; 2 tooth).
- 13 Lambs.
- 4 Rams.
* Note: Sheep with 7 months wool. Gestation status and catalogue information will be available day of auction.
60 Angora goats, consisting of:
- 30 Ewes (in lamb).
- 26 Lambs.
- 4 Rams.
* Note: Goats with 6 months of mohair. Gestation status and catalogue information will be available day of auction.
4 Farming horses.
- Tractor: Massey Ferguson 440.
- Disc -; share - & tine implements: Plough (3 share). LM cultivator. Soilmaster. Bale loader (2 tine). Ripper (7 ft). Ripper (3 tine). Off-set disc.
- Other farming equipment and sundries: Fertilizer spreader. Hammermill. Slasher. Afri-Freeze cooler room (frigde & freezer). Meat saw (Meat ‘o’ Matic). Meat saw. Springbok meat mincer. Ladder. 3 Steel cabinets. Cables. Samsung washing machine. Bosch dishwasher. School table. LT leather chair. Rattan chair. Dining table (6 chair). Wire garden set (4 chair). Swing bench. 2 Boma. Ball and claw desk. Spinning bike. 6 Fold open wooden chairs. Cement bench. 20 Wooden sleepers. Jungle gym with slide. Cement table and 3 benches. Cement chair. "Horkies" flooring. 2 Wool classing tables. Sheep barbeque. Screw. Caracal cage. Calf creep feeding troughs. Farm trailer with sides. Many sheep feeding troughs. Tal-tec sheep scale. Sheep gates. Wool cabinet. Weight scale. Soya sieve. Grain storage dam frame. 3 Diesel tanks. Wool press (single tub). Hydraulic wool press (double tub). Diesel cart (1000l). Cattle feeding trough. 13 Bale feed rings. Cattle scale. Water cart (1000l). Cows jack. Sheep loading ramp. Cattle weighing crate with scale.
- From Ventersburg: Drive on the Senekal road (R70) for 25km, direction Senekal. Turn left at farm entrance. Drive for 2km on gravel road until you reach the auction-site.
- From Senekal: Drive on the Senekal road (R70) for 30km, direction Ventersburg. Turn right at farm entrance. Drive for 2km on gravel road until you reach the auction-site.
Jan Mostert 083 306 8408
Piet Wessels 082 857 7827
Owner: Neels de Villiers 083 457 8121
Auctioneer: Jan Mostert 083 306 8408
BKB, Kroonstad: 056 215 1851
Auction pamphlet:
- Click here to view front page of auction pamphlet
- Click here to view back page of auction pamphlet