The Saambou Merinos Auction will take place on Thursday the 29th of August 2024,11:00 at the Beaufort West Showgrounds.
GPS: S29°27.529′ E26°40.118′
On offer:
45 Merino Rams (Horned & Polled)
Herman Hugo (Breeder) 079 669 3380
Jaco Potgieter (Breeder) 082 210 4160
Johan Viljoen (Breeder) 083 259 3945
Corne Nel (BKB) 082 410 8898
Phillip Schutte (BKB) 060 503 5751
Johan Botes (House of Fibre) 063 688 8973
Tommie Calldo 076 924 9734
JP Marais (BKB Auctioneer) 060 511 6537