25 August 2022

The Vlensburg Simbras & Simmentalers annual production auction will take place on Thursday, 25 August 2022 from 11:00 on the farm Vlensburg in Parys.

On Offer:

35 Simmentalers:

- 15 Bulls.

- 3 Cows with calves.

- 9 Cows (heavy in calf).

- 8 Heifers (open; 1 & 2 years old).

63 Simbras:

- 13 Bulls.

- 4 Cows with calves.

- 30 Cows (heavy in calf).

- 16 Heifers (open; 1 & 2 years old).

*Note: Tested negative for TB and CA. Refer to Dr. Johan Wessels from Parys. Gestation status will be available day of auction.  Bulls were tested for fertility. Auction takes place under the rules of the Society


From Parys- Drive on the Sasolburg road (R59) for 20km. Turn right just after the N1 on the Weiveld gravel road. Drive for 5km. Turn left at farm entrance.

From Sasolburg - Drive on the Parys road (R59) for 20km just until infront of the N1. Turn left at the Weiveld gravel road. Drive for 5km. Turm left at farm entrance.

Enquiries :

Freek Pieterse 079 560 7088

Hennie Viljoen (Owner) 082 655 4262

Auctioneer: Jan Mostert 083 306 8408

BKB, Vereeniging: 016 423 5377

Auction pamphlet

- Click here to view front page of auction pamphlet

- Click here to view back page of auction pamphlet

Auction catalogue

- Click here to view auction catalogue